Day 127 Winter Wonderland


ugh.... first day it happened but after writing my blog first thing this morning, it somehow didn't post and was erased. Not sure I can rewrite it, but I'll sum it up the best I remember.

It was beautiful waking up in a snowy winter wonderland. I was so excited to see the snow that I spent time outside as soon as the sun came up. I felt badly for kids who had to hustle to get ready for school and miss the first snow, if only it had snowed enough for a no school day! The cold weather also meant another sweater dress!! This grey ribbed dress looked great with warm grey tights and ok with my tall tan boots. I needs my comfy boots for a long, cold day, I also wore a tan coat so they made more sense. My chickens were less impressed with the snow but were happy to have warm oatmeal served. I only get to spoil them in the morning now that it's dark so early. I was home extra late since I had to pick up my son at the airport, yay!! It felt so nice to have him home, only made better by a visit from my daughter. The three of us stayed up chatting, much later than my usual early bird bedtime. I am so dazzled by my kids intelligence and quest for knowledge. Also impressed at myself for raising such deep thinkers and independent minds, always ready to question the status quo challenging ideas. I can imagine this week will be full of late nights, long debates, games and laughter. Even Mother Nature rejoiced in my sons arrival home with our first winter's snow. 

That's the best I can do .... just imagine I wrote much more eloquently this morning.


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