Day 129 Prime Real Estate


Still loving my new dishwasher, there's not a dirty dish to be found! I suppose the novelty will wear off, but for now doing dishes is a pleasure. It's also nice to have the week off to enjoy my sons visit. He bought a beautiful town house just over a year ago and will be packing up whatever belongings he still has at home and driving a u haul back to his place. Most of his things are packed up and ready to go, so it shouldn't be too bad. He will be cleaning out an entire closet, opening it up for me to move into!! Closets are rare in old houses and considered prime real estate, his 3' x 6' space equals beach front property to me! Too many clothes? who me? Well, I won't be keeping this black shift dress! It looked ok with black boots under a cute black and white jacket but wasn't fantastic. I think as we get older we should wear less black, it's a bit too harsh for us older gals. If you think it looks ok, just imagine a beautiful  the outfit could have been with a pink or navy blue dress! I should have, at least, worn a bright colored jacket, that would have helped. This could be a sign for me to weed through my clothing and trim it down to only what looks. I keep things way too long, holding onto things I like even if they don't look great on me. As I help my son pack his things, I'll imagine myself moving and embrace the terror I would feel in having to pack my belongings, that will inspire me to get rid of a few things! Well, for the moment I'll just enjoy my time off, my sons company and blissfully doing dishes. 


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