Day 134 Reality


Working my way through my red dresses I found this little wool, festive print, dress. Thankful for the long sleeves on a cold day and for fleece tights that didn't fall down. It was back to reality after having six days off to visit with my son and enjoy a festive weekend...reality isn't what it's cracked up to be!! By the time I got home for the day it was dark outside, somehow the cold weather always seems colder in the dark. I had errands to run but couldn't work up the gumption to go out so utilized my time by baking cookies and FaceTiming with my Florida friend. Seeing her sitting outside in her tank top, inspires me to plan a vacation. Tim flew home from his boys trip to Vegas after being away for almost a week. He and his brothers flew out to see a football game and enjoy a week of debauchery. As much fun as they had, he missed out on fun parties here and was envious of my good times. He always suggests that I stay home while he's away, although he has trouble saying it with a straight face, being such an outrageous request. One year, while I was away in Florida, he was sick with pink eye and had to stay home, ruining his dreams of celebrating in my absence. I think he secretly wishes pink eye or some other communicable disease on me while he's away. Sorry, I remained healthy as a horse and was good to go, enjoying one festive party after another. He and I will have lots of catching up to do tonight, both having a multitude of fun stories.  He is excited for a delicious home cooked meal, apparently, fine dining wasn't on the agenda for the Vegas group. Quiet nights together at home, a reality we both are thankful for. 


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