day 135 Back to Normal

 Christmas countdown is on with the last minute scramble for that perfect something. I've been trying to track down a gift Tim wants, not an easy task. I've been on it for a few weeks and finally was able to find it last night, in the knick of time! It's not something he needs at all, but I suppose that's what Christmas is all about, wants not needs. I'm easy to buy for since I love everything but If you were to ask me, there's nothing I need and I have have everything I want. I did just buy myself the red and green jingle bell necklace I wore with my navy blue, Ann Taylor sweater dress. Once I put on my long red wool coat, it turned the outfit instantly from ok to wow, red does that. Looking so fancy I was even walked to my car with my bags carried for me,  the gentleman told me how nice I looked and didn't think I should be carrying things in my beautiful red coat. I'm all for being a strong woman but equally enjoy being the recipient of chivalry. Once I arrived home Tim opened the door for me as I carried in my bags, going back to the car a few times to retrieve them all, he's not fooled by my fancy coat. We finally had a chance to catch up at dinner, so much to share after a week apart.  I enjoyed all his travel tales and he grimaced at the holiday parties he missed and the fun I had. I was excited to show him the green eggs our youngest hens started laying, surprised they have begun during the darkest, coldest days. Less than half of our girls are laying eggs but once spring hits we should be overloaded with them. It felt so nice to have Tim home and be back to our normal lives, quiet nights at home or fun nights out, we enjoy being together. 


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