Day 188 Recovery Day
Well, all that dancing takes its toll on an old lady. I recovered by sleeping later than I have in ages and taking it slow all morning. Sore legs or not, Tim and I had a list of errands that made for a busy afternoon. Once back home I cooked a fabulous dinner then put on this red sweater dress with plans of going to see a play at our local High School, but by the time it came to leave both Tim and I opted to stay home. My feet were happiest in slippers and watching a movie in bed was a tough plan to beat. Not an exciting night, or a fancy one but, it was exactly what we needed. We also enjoyed looking through all the silly photos we had taken at the dance party...oh boy! You might think Tim is a good sport about dressing up but I think he enjoys it more than me. He's usually so focused on his own style he hardly notices what I'm wearing, but the other night told me I was A1 pretty.... not bad. I think he was dazzled by my face gems, they were fantastic. This red sweater dress is a far cry from being A1 pretty but it was the best I could do on a recovery day.