Day 190 Valentine's Day Eve
Feeling the love on Valentine's Day Eve starting with a trip to the dentist. Seriously, self care is the best form of love so why not?! Of course I was able to book appointments, being the day after the big football game I guess I'm the only one that wanted to see Dr.'s. I was out the door early to do a bit of grocery shopping before my appointments and the day didn't stop from there. Fortunately, it ended with a group of friends coming over for a fun Pre-Valentine's Day get together. I wore a beautiful red sweater dress that was as comfortable as it was attractive. I wore my red party shoes and opted not to wear much for jewelry, didn't want to distract from my monochromatic vibe. I am known for making way too much food and once again proved this to be true. I had so much fun putting together a fantastic chocolate fondu table with amazing treats for dipping. I also made a cheese fondu with breads, pretzels and apples...fondu is my new/old favorite food. My friends all brought apps and desserts making the abundance of food an embarrassment of riches....of the tastiest sorts. I love my friends, thankful to have each and every one of them in my life, so celebrating them for Valentine's Day fills me (and hopefully them) with happiness. My plan to have more gatherings was one of my best ideas, 2023 goals. I filled my house with flowers, chocolates, delicious foods and friends with pink and red decorations throughout, I'll call that a perfect night. Not bad for a day that began with a trip to the dentist...which by the way I got a thumbs cavities...great news but also a bit shocking with my gummy candy addiction, especially when dipped in chocolate fondu.