Day 194 Bad Cop
Not my typical colors but I loved this brown and gold ensemble. The brown cable knit sweater dress looked great alone but adding the corduroy jacket gave it a bit of flair. I found this little retro jacket at a thrift shop and fell in love with it immediately. It would look fabulous with jeans but was equally as perfect with this brown dress. My gold hoop earrings and Kate Spade bow necklace dressed it all up a bit. When I arrived home I was welcomed by my two sweet little grandsons who came to stay with Tim and I for a couple nights. The boys are two and five years old and are so much fun to have in the house. We played match box cars and fed my chickens along with a million non-stop activities. After putting the boys to bed both Tim and I turned in knowing it would be an early morning. I love seeing how much the boys love their Grampa, he's clearly the good cop when it comes to the grandkids. I'm the one that makes them eat healthy food, pick up toys, put on their pj's, put them to bed at a reasonable time and all things that avoid them just running amuck mean! I know Tim appreciates me for being the bad cop, at least he better! Last time the boys came to visit I had all four of our grandsons together and didn't get one photo of them all together... its now my mission for this visit. It sounds crazy when you say how fast time goes by, I think it starts speeding up once you have grandkids. Not sure I'd freeze time, since I love seeing every stage of life as it goes but I sure wouldn't mind it slowing down a bit.