Day 209 Abundance


Home all day cleaning and organizing, making slow strides. I admit I intentionally chose one of my least favorite dresses since I wasn't going out and didn't want to waste one the few good winter dresses I still have in the lineup. This rushed front print dress isn't horrible, but certainly not great either. I've gotten better about quickly determining what dresses can stay and what ones need to go, only keeping those that I love, this one's going.  I spent a few hours cleaning my kitchen cabinets also deciding what bowls, cups and platters get to stay, do they multiple in the cupboard? Getting rid of glassware is easier for me than getting rid of clothes, but both need a solid weeding out. I have beautiful bone china mugs with pretty prints, but seriously doubt I need twenty of them! If you come to visit, please ask for coffee... and take home a mug. I posted several platters on a free page on Facebook and had people excited to come pick up my discarded items, social media is a strange beast. If you're wondering why I have so much stuff, its probably because I've lived in the same house for almost 36 years, everything builds over time. If I moved I'd be forced to go through each nook and cranny of my home, so looks like I'm staying put. It's not all craziness, staying in the same house all these years has also given me time to fill it with items I love and have collected throughout my life. It's like my life's museum and each and every item in it has its own history and story. My home is happiness, filled with great memories and an energy of love. It may have an abundance of everything, but sometimes too much is just enough. 


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