Day 213 No Regrets
I finally got a morning photo, fresh and ready for the day. This fabulous blue, suede, J. McLaughlin dress was comfortable and so pretty. I love my new navy blue heals and of course wore my favorite pearls. After a busy day I met my Stepmother, Teri, for dinner at the Mews. She and I get together as often as possible to catch up, although it never happens often enough. She reads my blog daily so I found myself at a disadvantage, she knew everything I was up to so I needed to get caught up on her goings on. Remember when I said my son in law has 100% likability, well, she's right up there with him. Seriously, I don't think she has a mean bone in her body. We became fast friends when she and my dad got together and have remained close for over 30 years. My dad would be so happy to see that we're still close and toast to him with loving memories often. I arrived at the restaurant incredibly hungry, having skipped lunch and was about ready to chew my arm off. I ordered and ate half the menu putting this dresses side pleats to use accommodating the food baby that grew after dinner, (Another good reason for the morning photo). Well the food was delicious and company outstanding, so food baby and all I went home happy with no regrets. I'll be getting into that prom shape soon, but apparently not starting last night.
Love You❤️😘🥰T