Day 234 Spring Chicken


Spring sites all around, from blooming daffodils, forsythia and of course cold bare legs. Wearing dresses is easy, finding the right shoes, another story. This dress would have looked great with black boots but would have been to winterish. High heels could have been fancy but these flats won out for comfort. With morning temps in the 30's my cold legs had to wait until the afternoon temps reached the low 50's to warm up. My chickens appreciated the warm afternoon as well and were happy to get a few extra treats when I arrived home. I cleaned their coop and gave them fresh bedding, a job I do a few times a week but always excites them. After working all day, finishing my chores, cooking dinner and cleaning the kitchen I was flat out exhausted and in bed by 8:00pm. I think I might have fallen asleep in about two minutes, dreaming of the weekend. With my Birthday mid week next week the big decision is, do we celebrate this weekend or next? Obviously I vote for both! In fact, why not celebrate the entire month of April? It's not every day you turn 58 ...I've been waiting 58 years for this to happen!! I suppose I'm not a spring chicken anymore 😊 but that won't stop me from enjoying every minute of it. 


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