Day 255 Sergeant Pepper
I call this my Sergeant Pepper dress, doesn't it remind you of a Beatles outfit?? Once I had that image in my mind I couldn't help but have a song in my step all day! I picked this dress up ages ago at a thrift shop for .99 cents. It still had the brand new tags on it but I guess whoever bought it changed their mind. Well, don't mind if I do. I think it's a fun dress, love the 3/4 sleeves and it was comfy and stylish all day. I changed into casual clothes for an evening with my grandsons. My older grandson and I went to watch the 10 year old perform in a string concert, The String Fling. The show was great, they started with the youngest kids playing a few songs and went up through High School kids performing amazing pieces. It was really cool to hear the progression in skill level, no doubt inspiring for the younger players to hear what they could sound like in the future if they keep playing. The auditorium was packed with parents, friends and family all supporting the young musicians, love to see that! After the show we walked over to the Bowling Alley for dinner where we met up with friends and all enjoyed a delicious meal while watching the Bruins game. Well, the kids and Tim watched the game the rest of us talked and just enjoyed the night. My daughter joined us there to pick up her kids, and say a quick hello. I was exhausted by the end of the day but happy to have such a full day filled with music, old and new.