Day 258 Prom Night


Prom night perfection, even Mother Nature knew not to clash with my colors! Tim pulled it all together, pants arrived with hours to spare, bought a pink shirt, prepped and primped and was ready on time. I had organized an Earth Day Cleanup so was busy all morning picking up trash and coordinating volunteers. It really is amazing how much trash can be picked up in just a couple hours. It's also sad that there's still so many people littering....find a trash can folks! By the time I arrived home I was cold, dirty and exhausted, fortunately I had a few hours to regroup. My daughter came over to fix my hair and makeup...we'll call her a miracle worker, thanks Jess. I put on this fabulous Elie Tahari  dress that fit perfectly and was a dream to wear. The layers of fabric had just the right twirl for dancing and the high neckline was so elegant. I loved the colors and was thrilled when we arrived at my friends house for photos to see the blooming magnolia tree that made the perfect backdrop for our pictures, everything came together perfectly. The prom was so much fun, raffles, auction items and of course lots of dancing. I absolutely love seeing all my friends dressed up and showing off their individual styles. One of my friends had her sneakers on with her dress, not my vibe but fit her to perfection and looked fantastic. I ended up winning a raffle prize and a silent auction item. Tim argues that you don't "win" an auction item, you just bid more than everyone else, but why split hairs over details. Proceeds from the prom went to our High School Athletics Boosters, me being a former SK gymnast and Tim a former SK football player we both are thrilled to continue to support our local athletics. The night was dreamy from start to finish, a real date night for an old couple and for a gal who loves to dress up it was a fashion super bowl. 


  1. Glad you had a great evening.

  2. Sounds like you all had a great time. You and Tim looked amazing. Maybe you should frame one of those pics :)

  3. Looks like fun was had with beautiful fashion included ❤️🎉

  4. What a wonderful thing. A prom night. You and Tim must have been king and queen. ❤️❤️


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