Day 260 All that's gold might glitter


All that's gold just might glitter after all, this dress sure does. Leave it to J.McLaughlin to design this stunning black, gold and red sheath dress. The gold picks up the lights and shimmers beautifully so of course I wore gold shoes, also love an opportunity to show off a new pedicure. You might think I was ready for a night on the town but sadly, shortly after taking this photo, I put on my PJs and went to bed. Not sure if it's allergies or what, but something had me feeling less than wonderful. Maybe next winter this dress can make it to a party, it certainly would make a great Christmas party dress! If you're wondering why I have such a fabulous dress hiding in my closet, it happens! I picked this dress up over a year ago at a thrift store, don't remember exactly what I paid but I'm sure it was under $10...worth saving for the right opportunity. I was going through my closet looking for the perfect dress for a conference I'm attending on Friday. Finding the right look isn't always easy, I've got a few options hanging in the forefront but still not sure. Each outfit should silently speak to who you are, choosing what I want to say each day can take some thought! Maybe I should have saved this golden glittering dress for Friday, but I'm afraid that would have been more of a scream than a whisper...and sometimes we should whisper. 


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