Day 261 Beauty Rest
Back to business, or at least giving it my best shot! My allergies still dragging me down made it impossible to get through the whole day. Although it was another early bedtime, Tim had me beat and was in bed by 5:00pm. He's been hurting ever since prom night, thinks he pinched a nerve or something, ouch! If we had to pinpoint the moment he may have hurt himself it was most likely during the song, Jump Around, maybe a 59 yr old isn't meant to jump around in dress shoes? Whatever it is, we're a couple of old folks this week, early bedtimes and home cooked meals. I wore this pretty beige stealth dress, doesn't show in the photos but it has a slight gold shimmer to it. Love my little stripped jacket with my smart grown up lady shoes and even wore a navy blue silk necklace to tie it all in. At least you can't tell how crappy I felt! I've been busy helping to organize the conference I'm attending on Friday, working on a few last minute details and looking forward to a fun day. Still vacillating over what to wear for such an event, I've got a few options laid out but still not sure. Who knows, I might go with a choice that's not even on my radar yet! I was notified that I'll be accepting an award at the event, so whatever I wear needs to be stage worthy. I sure hope all this early bedtime, beauty rest kicks in by Friday!