Day 265 King Arthur
What an amazing day trip to NYC to see my sons childhood friend perform on Broadway! Andrew has been a character ever since I remember, way back to Kindergarten days. He was always so outgoing, being so social we called him the Mayor. Well to see him all grown up and on the big stage just blew me away! He is starring in Camelot as King Arthur and holy cow is he talented. I suppose that's why he won the Tony Award last year for best actor!! He had been in another play which he won the Tony for, unfortunately I never had a chance to see it. When I heard he was starring in another show, me and a few friends made it a point to get tickets and plan a road trip. We left my house at 8:30am off on our adventure and arrived in the Big Apple by noon, just in time for a quick lunch before the 2:00 show. We sat in our seats, excited to be at a Broadway show and anxious to see our hometown favorite actor on stage. The show was funny at times, singing outstanding and each cast member continued to impress us as much as the next. Of course we were all partial to Andrew as the outstanding actor in the performance, he puts so much of his own personality into the character that King Arthur came alive on stage through him. After the show Andrew met us in the lobby for a quick visit before we had to head home and he had to rest up for another performance. I seriously don't know how they do that, give their all to a performance for 3 hrs in the afternoon and do it all again with the same enthusiasm a few hours later?? My friends and I hopped into the car for our return trip home, being the driver I was on high alert with all the rain. I had worn a pretty black dress for the trip with flats, not my usual shoe choice but NYC calls for comfy shoes at all times. The drive home was filled with praise over the show, the amazing talent and overall how fortunate we were to have taken the day for such an adventure. By the time I arrived home it was 9:00. An exhausting day but I'd do it all again for the long and heartfelt hug Andrew gave me when he came out to greet us in the lobby. Just love that kid!!
He is so talented! Great show…great day! ❤️db