Day 268 Schoolmarm
Didn't didn't see me until after work and when he did he glanced at me quickly and said, "schoolmarm". Oh boy... not sure that's the look I was going for but I guess I can't argue. Maybe if I had worn my hair down I might have looked less than 100 years old but while rushing around in the morning I just didn't feel like taking the time to fix my hair. Lesson learned, take the time! Otherwise I really do love this little black dress and cute coat, of course heals might have jazzed me up a bit but I went with comfy flats. My beautiful pearls look fabulous but probably don't help make it look less schoolmarmish. Before Tim and I headed out to dinner I changed into jeans although kept the jacket and flats and might have still looked like a prude...I think it's the hairstyle. We had a great dinner at the Bowling Alley, always great food and friends. My back had been killing me ever since my big drive on Saturday so when we got home Tim gave me a massage and no joke, I think it helped! He gets massages all the time so I figure he must have picked something up along the way. He argued they have years of training and a good swivel chair but worked through it. My sore muscles were thankful for the effort. I would absolutely go back to NYC to see Camelot again, especially to see Andrew but next time I might stay overnight, the drive there and back sandwiching a 3 hour play was just too much sitting for this old body and who wouldn't love an overnight in the big apple? One thing for sure, you won't see a schoolmarm look again if I can help it! Good thing I have Tim around to keep me on my toes.