Day 269 Fancy Farmer

 Determined not to rock the schoolmarm look again I took a bit of extra time to get ready. I straightened my hair so I could wear it down, it would be a frizzy mess if I don't. I wore a cute blue suede dress with blue suede pumps, leaving the flats for another day. I had to wear a little jacket since it was freezing still, please hurry up spring! I was pleased with my outfit and happy not to be called out for looking prudish. I spent some extra time with my chickens, one of them isn't walking so in need of extra attention. I wish I knew what was going on with her! Last year a fox was outside the henhouse and all the girls went into a frenzy. The fox never got in but once she left, my favorite hen, Quarentina, wouldn't stand up. Tim and I thought she was paralyzed with fear so we brought her inside, thinking it would be a few hours and she'd be fine. Well one month turned into two and three and by month four she was finally ready to go back outside. Maybe she's just a super smart chicken and wanted to winter indoors?? She has been back out and  doing great, until Saturday when I was in NYC and the fox returned. Tim heard lots of commotion and ran out to scare the fox away...sure enough, Quarentina was laying down again, unable to walk!! What the heck?? Since it's not super cold we've left her outside but sectioned her off during the day, hoping she makes a quick comeback. So far, she's not able to use one leg so not walking at all, poor thing. Of course it has to be our favorite girl, she's the sweetest chicken and worth all the extra effort. Fingers crossed she gets her strength back in that leg soon. Maybe instead of schoolmarm look I should be in overalls and muck boots instead of my fancy duds. I certainly am a fancy farmer. 


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