Day 273 Vitamin D
Oh, how nice it was to feel the sunshine again. I started the day with a 4 mile beach walk, I just love the beach before everyone else invades the coastline. I came home and began working in my yard and cleaning my car trying to soak up as much vitamin D as possible. Quarentina still isn't walking, so giving her free range time outside is dangerous, easy prey for hawks so Tim watched her closely while I scurried about. I wanted to wash my car rugs so pulled them out and with my fancy new cleaning machine began working on them. Most of them weren't too bad but the drivers rug was so dirty. After about an hour of cleaning Tim told me he could buy me a new set for $45.... might have been good info before I began. Although, I admit I'm just as happy to see my old mats clean again. It was a good thing I wore a casual cotton t-shirt dress since I ended up a mess by the end of the day, love a washable dress! It was my daughters 40th Birthday....holy cow!! She wanted to spend the day with her family so I snuck over while they were out to leave her a beautiful flowering plant. I'll have to take her out soon for us to really celebrate, 40 is kind of a big deal! It's really amazing how fast life goes by, it certainly feels like it's speeding up! I know the weekends are on hyper speed... good thing we packed so much in and even had time to soak up some sun.