Day 274 Town Hall
Dinner with friends then an award from Town Council, not a bad way to start the week. Kind of funny to get an award for getting an award, but that sums it up. It was really quite nice to have the TC throw me some love for all the hard work I do in the community. I was so grateful to have a few friends there to show their support for me as my little fan club. We met up for dinner, so nice to have a slice of time to sit and relax before walking over to town hall together for the presentation. These friends are new to me by only a few years, met through the work I do in the community, but they sure are amazing! Also amazing was my Banana Republic dress! Navy blue with white stitching for a tailored business vibe along with navy pumps, perfect for a professional look and fortunately for me, equally as comfortable. I believe that's it for awards for a while, to see all the bling in my office you'd think I'm a big deal....who knows, maybe I am. Oh...and I almost forgot, I also had photos with RI's Governor mid afternoon in the same council chambers, not having anything to do with my award...I suppose everything can't be about me. Let's hope my week keeps going on this trajectory...the Skys the limit! Either that or, what goes up must come down...yikes!