Day 277 Paris Hilton
No makeup, no shoes, no jewelry, no worries, it's the post facial happiness vibe. Tim can call me Paris Hilton all he wants, if that means I take time to pamper myself with facials. I was afraid I'd be late to my appointment due to a huge traffic jam but ended up only being 5 minutes late....if you know me you know I'm never 5 minutes late!! There had been an accident earlier in the day, a car hit a telephone pole so the repair trucks were still fixing it and traffic was backed up for miles. I try to not be annoyed at traffic, especially when it's because of an accident, someone else is having a much worse day and I only hope no one was hurt! My day had started with a four and a half mile walk on another fantastic trail in beautiful RI. My group went to walk the Blackstone Boulevard Walking Path then went off route to explore the Blackstone river and park, beautiful. We saw ducks with their baby ducklings and a large herd of swans then two snapping turtles that had to be at least 3 feet out little ducklings. The sun was shining and the air crisp and clean, a perfect day to be outside. I had worn jeans for my hike, I love that people comment when I'm NOT in a dress...keeping everyone on their toes. I threw this winter faux wrap dress on for my blog shot, figure it's a bit too wintery to wear soon so I'd get this one out of the way. I'm on to spring colors and hopefully sundresses soon. I was feeling fabulous after my facial, amazed when I talk to my friends how many of them have never had one?!?! If you're one of those people that has never had a facial, please get one, your skin & complexion will thank you for it as well as your overall mental health. Taking care of ourselves seems to be considered a luxury instead of what it is, maintenance and the older we get the more we need. Well, my old shell of a body will be getting regular maintenance with facials, pedicures and the occasional massage. Hopefully it will hold out for me for many more years, after all, it's just my shell, but I sure do want to keep it running at top performance and looking good, not like an old duct taped up speaking of which, it's not ready yet but I can't wait to see my car all fixed. Paris Hilton, take that 😁