Day 293 #1 Wife
Finally a warm sunny day perfect for being outside. I mowed my lawn and started weeding my front yard, I'm trying, but I hate yard work. I don't mind mowing a lawn but the rest of it just isn't for me. The weeding, planting, ugh. There's a large Maple tree on my property line that my neighbor loves and I hate. it's on my southern side so shades everything and I fight the never ending saplings from emerging. They seem to grown in two minutes!! I got as much done as I could while waiting for my music festival hippie to return home. I threw on this pink t-shirt dress to lounge in the sun a bit and wow did the sunshine feel fantastic! I cut my sunbathing short to come inside and make a delicious homemade soup, figuring Tim would be hungry...#1 wife right there! Well sure enough, he arrived home dirty, hungry and exhausted, exactly as expected. He refueled with the lunch, even complimenting me on how delicious it was, then sat down and fell asleep. I encouraged him to shower and go to bed and without any argument he obliged, not caring it was still afternoon. He had enjoyed his music festival, great bands, fun night but also said how much I would have hated it. It was, as I expected, dirty, dark and porta potty smelly.... and his tent was on a rocky bed of dirt so sleeping was less than plush. I love that he went, love that he had fun and love that we can go our separate ways and appreciate each others ideas of fun. Hopefully Tim's future good times will involve a bit of yard work....I'm about to tap out.