Day 295 Memorial Day


Memorial Day is always such a somber, reflective day for me. Having had a child serve in direct combat for years I am acutely aware of how fortunate I am to still have him. I am eternally grateful that Memorial Day is not about him. Sadly it's about the friends he lost, the ones who's mothers grieve daily, who's children will grow up without them, who will never become parents or grandparents. My heart has always gone out to the moms who's sons didn't return home to them, a piece of my soul is eternally touched by their sacrifice to our country. There's an odd survivors guilt when I think of them, war takes our children from us without discrimination without any sense in who lives and who dies. Memorial Day isn't about your grandpa who served, came home, raised his children, saw his grandchildren and died peacefully in bed surrounded by loved ones. I think of a certain young soldier who was 24 when he was killed on the battlefield, with a wife and 4 month old baby at home who would never have a chance to say goodbye. One day of the year is set aside to remember these young lives, one day a year is for their families to see that our entire country is thankful for their sacrifice. Oh, how I wish they didn't have to see the Memorial Day sales events.... ugh! Our lives go on, as they should, however, it is our responsibility to carry with us the memory and appreciation of every young life that was taken. Raise a glass in their memory, eat, drink, love and live with the knowledge that Freedom is never free. 


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