Day 298 Boat Life
How nice it feels to spend the evening in the sunshine on the water. My friends Melissa and Rick have gatherings on their boat often throughout the summer and it's always a great time. This is the same Melissa I've talked about throughout my blog, one of my oldest and dearest friends of all. There's never been a time in my life I didn't have Melissa by my side and I'm certainly glad that's still true. She's my walking pal, my coffee chat friend, some lifetime friends seem to become family, so we can call her that. I rushed home from work to change into a fun boat dress and nailed it with this tropical print summer maxi. I found this dress ages ago at a thrift store and paid .99 cents for it! I don't know why anyone would get rid of this dress but I'm sure glad they did. I love a maxi dress and absolutely love when I can get maximum sunshine with no tan lines on my shoulders and chest. It's so nice to have daylight extended until after 8:00, it's tough throughout the winter to come home from work to darkness. My chickens seem to enjoy this weather almost as much as I do. They've been laying lots of eggs and are thrilled when I throw in greens from the yard. I'm working on giving them more free time out of their run but for now it's safest to keep them in. Quarentina is still not walking around, although she seems to be otherwise fine. She's eating, drinking and still laying eggs so we'll hope she makes a comeback soon. Tim and I are narrowing down where to go on our vacation so I'll be looking for a chicken sitter! I just know those predators will try to attack while I'm gone, darn wildlife. Tim and I didn't go on a honeymoon so we figure it's about time to take one. Waiting two years for our honeymoon makes sense, especially when you figure we dated for eleven years before getting married. Whatever we decide, I can promise it will include sunshine, water, music, dancing and amazing adventures! oops...and romance!
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