Day 299 Overboard
Elks Lodge on a Friday night never disappoints. Great food, friends and the perfect relaxed vibe we all need after a long week. Tim and I had lots of vacation ideas to discuss, although I believe we are finally in agreement and have made our choice. Our travel agent and I found the best 11 day Mediterranean cruise at an amazing price. Tim will have all the action, live music and entertainment he desires and I'll have all the sunshine, water views and luxury I want...and of course there's amazing ports to explore each day. The cruise travels along Spain, France and Italy...looks amazing. Separate suitcases will be in order, although you'd be surprised, Tim typically packs more than I do! Dresses are the best for traveling, easy to pack, comfy and pretty. I loved this blue/grey tiered ruffle dress with big puffy sleeves, it might even take the voyage with me. I was so excited chatting about the trip, Tim isn't one to be excited, more of a doomsday kind of guy, telling me about people that have gone overboard cruise ships, potential hijacking of ships by Somalians ...seriously?! They say opposites attract, I guess that's what I get!
After convincing Tim that neither of us will fall off the ship, I bragged about getting three compliments this week on my eyelashes. I've been using an eyelash growth serum and was excited that it must be working. My bragging was short lived with Tim's reply to my boasting about compliments, "but are they warranted"? um... what? Apparently he sees no difference. It was kind of fun to watch him back peddle so fast...trying to throw me a compliment saying my lashes have always looked great. Oh, Tim! Once home Tim looked up my serum and told me all the potential negative side effects from using it. He's no doubt the Eeyore to my Tigger if you'll indulge me with my Winnie the Pooh reference. Somehow our Yin and Yang works, there's no one I'd rather have adventures with...go figure!