Day 309 Kraft Debacle of 2023


I once saw a sign that said, "if Monday were a shoe it would be a crock" and I couldn't agree more! Why does the weekend have to fly by so quickly? I shouldn't complain, I have a few fun things planned for this week to ease the pain but oh how I love my free time. I also love this pretty blue jersey knit dress with short bell sleeves. I'm also once again in my fun rubber pink slides, thankful for fun spring shoes! With the weather forecasting rain these shoes were my smart choice for the day. My neighbors car certainly needed the rain and a good washing after being cheesed in the night. Yes, you read that right, cheesed! I'm either one of the first or last to realize this is now a thing. No more egging cars, maybe the cost of eggs is too high for pranks, now there's cheese slices being thrown. The cheese sticks then melts on the car in the sunshine creating a bit of a mess. My neighbor had slices all over her car, thankfully at least one cheese throwing bandit forgot to unwrap the individually wrapped slice hitting the car with the plastic wrapping, the joke was on him with that slice.  I really don't understand the thrill behind cheesing someone's car, never understood egging either... seems like a silly waste of time and cheese to me. My car was safely down my driveway so I avoided the Kraft debacle of 2023, at least this round. I eased into the week with a fun dinner out with my mother and sister, Tim opted to stay home and rest up after our Sunday full of outings. I Wanted to hear a bit of Motown Monday so we headed to Two Ten Oyster Bar for a bit of disco with a fun band. Not sure why they start the music at 4:00 but by the time I got out of work and we arrived there was no more seating outside so we sat inside for dinner instead. It all worked out when the rain began and everyone listening rain inside for shelter, we went from having the worst to best seats in a red hot minute. Walking through the puddles after dinner I was happy to be wearing my fancy pink rubber shoes and happy to be out on a Monday night...take that workweek. 


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