Day 312 Plan B
Even the best laid plans require a solid plan B. I was so proud of myself for taking a half day off with plans to spend a quiet afternoon alone on the beach. I hustled out of work, ran to the grocery store for healthy beach snacks, quickly stopped home to change into my suit and this cute Vineyard Vines beach coverup/dress and was off. I arrived at the beach with the excitement of a schoolgirl playing hooky. I set up my chair and sat down trying to ignore the dark cloud formation looming over my head....surely it would pass. Well I sat and sat and watched the dark clouds get darker, feeling drops of rain that I told myself must be mist off the water. The wind pelted me with cold air but still I sat enjoying the ocean view and peacefulness. I laughed as I looked down the beach to the only other person brave enough to be there, she was in long pants and a winter coat. I walked down to chat with her and we both laughed at our optimism that the weather would turn any minute.....wouldn't it?? I cried uncle about thirty minutes later, packing up and heading home. I'm sure Tim wasn't disappointed, instead of arriving home to an empty house and a wife still sitting on the beach, he was treated to a delicious home cooked dinner. I took advantage of my time home to finish up a few things I never seem to get to, cook and enjoyed my afternoon to the fullest. I do love a beach day, even a bad weather beach day is better than none, so I'm not complaining. Life is all about how we handle plan B and dodge the inevitable curve balls thrown at us. I suppose I also wanted a quiet day alone on the beach..... I'll be more specific next time with my wishes.