Day 330 Hot Summer Nights
Hot summer nights by the ocean...don't mind if I do. It may have been a Monday but felt more like a Friday with the Tuesday holiday ahead. Both Tim and I had to work, I suppose there's no July 3rd holiday, although maybe there should be. My stepdaughter Bridie arrived with her husband Greg and kids while we were both at work but entertained themselves until we got home. Tim and I had bought 50 fresh oysters and several pounds of steamers thinking that would be a good treat. I had no idea how difficult it is to shuck an oyster! Thankfully, I had bought oyster knives and protective gloves for my beginner shuckers. We watched YouTube videos on the how to's and all agreed the guys in the video make it look much easier than it is....those little suckers just don't open easily! Tim gave up after opening a few but Greg kept going shucking them all. I think he even got into a groove after around the 25th oyster. They say you learn something new every day, Greg gained a new skill and I learned that shucked oysters are worth every penny they charge for them..oh, and be sure to always tip your shucker! After filling ourselves with oysters we all got ready to go out for the night to see a fun band at the Mist. I threw on this pretty white lace dress and although it was more of a daytime dress I wore it anyway. It was hot and humid, the hot that has you sweating five minutes after the shower....not that I'm complaining. I'd rather have hot than the rain and gloom we've been having and on hot nights being by the water you always have a nice ocean breeze....lucky! We all danced the night away enjoying the music and summer vibe. We no doubt stayed out too late then ate grilled cheese sandwiches at 1:00am...maybe not the best choices. Tims known for wanting McDonalds after midnight so I had to come through on my promise of a good snack at home. Typically he's a no for grilled cheese but after midnight they somehow taste better...maybe everything does? It was a perfect summer night and a great way to welcome July 4th in.