Day 331 Cook-In


4th of July was the perfect day to see how well we all do shifting to plan B. Plan A had been to spend the day at the beach prior to a fun cookout with friends and family then off to the fireworks. Reality was slightly different. The morning rain washed the beach plans away but I embraced the extra time at home to prep for company for our cookout. The rain came and went throughout the morning making outdoor prep challenging.  I remained optimistic that the weather would break, even building a fire in the fire pit for late night s'mores. I had plans of wearing a pretty red dress but with the heat, rain and humidity I threw on a casual jean dress that was soaked and dried throughout the day while I wore it....ended up a great choice.  Our company began rolling in mid-afternoon and everyone had weather predictions of gloom. It didn't take long for the skies to open up with torrential rain that just wouldn't let up. The rain was accompanied by loud cracks of thunder. The canopy I had set up for shade became a place for us to all shelter in place and wait out the rain. Well the rain didn't let up and one by one we all made a run for the house until everyone was happily watching the storm from inside. There must have been at least 40 of us filling the house with fun and laughter. Cooking on the grill wasn't an option so I quickly began cooking burgers and dogs on the inside grill until everyone was fed and desserts began being passed around. The rain finally stopped just in time for us to walk down to Old Mountain Field for the fireworks, carrying chairs and pulling kids in wagons. Fireworks are always spectacular and extra exciting when watching them with kids who haven't seen them before. When the lights come on after the show its a mass exodus from the field filling the roads with people as they make their way back to cars and houses. We made it back home and we sat with our remaining company snacking and talking until midnight. When we finally went to bed we were dirty, smelled of smoke and bug spray and were happy as clams. The house was a total disaster of the best kind. Everything that had been planned had to shift to a new plan..all except my fire, no idea how but that fire burned throughout the day even through the downpours. In-between breaks of rain I'd put more wood on it and somehow it kept going strong. Kids roasted marshmallows and enjoyed s'mores making it all worth the crazy effort it had taken to keep it going. Our cook-in couldn't have been better....ok maybe sunshine could have helped but how nice is it that we have so many great friends and family members that want to come visit us rain or shine? Color me happy with plan B and blessed with friendship, love and eternally thankful for this beautiful country we all are so lucky to call home. 


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