Day 341 Girly Girls


Why is it that I can wash and fold laundry but can't seem to get it put away? Feels like never-ending piles waiting for me and I'd rather do just about anything else rather than put them away. Every so often I force myself to get everything back in order but by the next day I could care less again. I suppose we all have one chore that we put off and as long as it's only one chore it's not too bad. Friday is never a good day to do housework, it's a day to celebrate....pretty much anything. My son and his fiancé came over for dinner and we began chatting wedding plans, or in this case an after wedding celebration since they want a private ceremony. I'm all for couples doing whatever it is they want without society telling them what they should do. When Tim and I planned our wedding we had very specific ideas and were thrilled when it all came together perfectly. I'm excited for my son and his gal, want them to have a night they will always remember. Hopefully they will feel the love and support from friends and family as they embark on their life together. My sons fiancé has been married before and brings with her a 7 year old daughter....yes, I'm over the moon at the thought of a granddaughter! Whenever they bring the little girl to the house I try my hardest not to overwhelm her with my excitement, but it's there. With four grandsons, a granddaughter will be such a great addition to our family. She's also a little girly girl who loves pretty clothes, fancy things and of course chickens.....I think we're going to get along splendidly. There will be lots of wedding planning ahead, my mind is already on centerpieces.... with so much to do its no wonder I can't get to those laundry piles! 


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