Day 342 Smooth as Silk
How much can I pack into a much as possible. Started out slowly with Tim and I hanging out in our PJ's all morning, taking care of household business, catching up Tims newsworthy stories from the week and a bit of personal grooming. The rainy morning looked like it would carryover throughout the day but I was determined to sit on the beach for an hour, rain or shine. If you think women have it tough with our leg, bikini line and armpit shaving, we've got nothing compared to a hairy man. Without hair maintenance, Tim resembles a silverback gorilla, so taking the back hair down a notch before hitting the beach is a chore. He has it tough requiring help with personal grooming, hard to shave what you can't reach. Once again I'm the number one wife coming into the bathroom after purchasing Nair for easy hair removal... it worked like a charm! My silky smooth husband and I headed to the beach, prepared for clouds but were happily met by friends and total sunshine! Tims hairless back soaking in extra sunshine after being freed from a layer of fur. A few hours of heaven, relaxing and soaking up much needed vitamin D was appreciated on what was suppose to be a rainy day. We headed home, showered and changed for a fun night out with friends, dinner and a show. I threw on this pretty wrap dress and was ready to go in a flash. Dinner by the water at Finn's Harborside was delicious and watching the boats entertaining, especially boaters who definitely need a bit more practice driving. We headed over to the Greenwich Odeum to see Damn the Torpedos, a Tom Pretty tribute band. I bought tickets when they first came out and was able to score four front row great seats. We sang and danced, enjoying every song the band played. I was slightly distracted by my unraveling wrap dress that seemed to constantly show a bit more cleavage than planned. When I told Tim I was concerned by my busting out bosom he glanced down with pride and a smile. Of course he reminded me that if people could only see his smooth back and butt they would be more impressed with him. Oh, we do make quite a pair! You'll be happy to know I continued to pull my wrap tighter to keep the PG rating and Tim, thankfully kept his shirt and shorts on, although I have to agree..I'm impressed.