Day 370 Rainbows

 It's only after the rain that you get a glimpse of a rainbow. I had packed up early to head to the beach with Tim staying behind telling me he'd arrive later, that I shouldn't get the late morning sunshine. I'm so glad I didn't listen to him! I sat on the beach, marveling at the crisp clean air and the crystal clear view of Block Island. The sunshine was so bright that I finally ended up laying down to close my eyes for a bit, the late night before might have also urged me to rest. I must have fallen asleep for twenty minutes and woke up to an entirely different scene. The fog had rolled in and was so thick you couldn't see two feet in front of you, Block Island completely engulfed by the dense air. I couldn't tell if my hair was wet from the ocean mist or from a rain shower or two. I sat under my umbrella watching everyone leave the beach in a mass exodus as Tim arrived with his beach chair in hand. He sat down right about the time the skies opened up and sheets of rain poured down. The two of us sat for a bit, thinking maybe it would stop, before finally heading up to the now crowded beach club for shelter. The club was lively with everyone opening their coolers, cooking dinner and playing games. By the time the sun came out we were all happily carrying on inside and would have remained there if it wasn't for the spectacular rainbow that called us all back outside. Like the sunset from the night before, everyone piled out to capture a photo of the incredible rainbow over the ocean, knowing it wouldn't come close to what our eyes where witnessing. So, he's my attempt at showing-off the rainbow, a beautiful consolation prize for an afternoon of rain and a reminder that some of the best things come only after what we see as the worst. 


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