Day 374 South County

 Throughout the year I've written a great deal about my love for South County, this photo captures that love. Being able to walk on a beach and watch the sunrise with only a few surfers obstructing the otherwise clear view is something I'll always appreciate. Of course, Tim is more of a sunset guy so he's never joined me for a sunrise walk, that is always my friend Melissa. Missy and I love our early morning walks either along a beach or bike path. With no distractions, a walk is the best time to catch up and chat. We've been walking together as long as I can remember, so we've chatted about almost everything but somehow always find a new topic. There are some mornings that the world looks so incredibly peaceful and beautiful it takes our breath away. On the coldest, rainiest days, I can see a picture like this spectacular sunrise in my mind and it reminds me that better days are ahead. Beautiful sunsets resemble an awakening that should remind us all we can restart fresh each day. I'm a fan of the restart, especially if things are challenging, deep breath and start fresh. I'm told I'm like a cat, always landing on my feet, don't know if that's true or if I just always choose to focus on the positive? I do think it's important to count our blessings each morning, remind ourselves of the many reasons we have to be thankful for, especially the people in our lives. My children, grandchildren, friends and of course Tim being my greatest gifts in life. Walking on the beach and watching a sunset is something we should all do more often, embracing the beauty that surrounds us and seeing it with open eyes and heart makes everything right with the world. 


  1. Beautiful photo and beautifully written…db ❤️


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