Day 385 Wild Banshees
If we had listened to the weather reports we may have missed a perfect beach day. The forecast was for intermittent clouds with rain in the afternoon, but when my stepdaughter called saying she wanted a beach day I encouraged her to make the drive. Tim and I were tired from our crazy late nights so a day at the beach sounded better than whatever household chores we may have planned. As we sat in the sunshine and swam in the warm ocean water, we all laughed at how lucky we were for the perfect day. This entire weekend could have been a wash, with rain and thunderstorms expected Friday, Saturday and rain Sunday. Our weekend worked out with our night at Fenway, outdoor concert at Gillette and bonus beach day! I sure am thankful to Mother Nature. Our youngest grandsons, Mack and Timmy love the beach, the ocean waves and searching for driftwood sticks and lucky rocks, oh the treasure you can find on the beach! By the time we packed up it was pushing sunset and since I still haven't figured how to work my air fryer we opted to stop for dinner. The boys had hit the point of exhaustion that resembles energy but is a wild attempt to stay awake. It was a good thing we were seated outside with our wild boys who took their shoes off, dropped silverware on the ground and were loud and cranky. We've all sat with or next to kids like that, except for maybe Tim, who, commented that the boys may not be "restaurant ready". They really weren't bad, just being kids and since they are so darn cute and we were outside I'm sure we were fine. The kids were bathed and put into bed top speed once we arrived home and both fell asleep in seconds with Tim and I not far behind them! Mack will be starting Kindergarten on Tuesday so this was his last hoorah for the summer. Imagine...Kindergarten, how on earth is he so grown up to be going off to school?!? Our grandkids seem to be growing up in hyper speed while Tim and I galavant around like a couple of teenagers. I'm thankful we're still young enough to enjoy time with our grandkids, take them to ballgames and jump ocean waves with them. I even love a crazy dinner out with wild banshees, after all, these are the kids that will grow up and take Tim and I out one day, who knows, maybe we'll be unruly! I'm thankful to Mother Nature for giving us a beautiful weekend and eternally thankful for grandchildren who keep us young and life interesting.