Day 387 Early Bird
If you're wondering how I can be out late every night and still going strong, here's a snapshot of my early bedtime! Even I need to rest up now and then and holy cow did it feel good to climb into bed so early. With all my late nights you'd think my body might adjust to staying up late, not a chance. It doesn't help that I'm always awake bright and early no matter what time I go to bed, I can't help that. The funniest part of going to bed so early is when you wake up and feel refreshed from a long night sleep, then see your clock and realize it's 10pm and you've only been asleep a few hours! Back to sleep I went, determined to get a solid ten hours or more. I'm also fairly impressed with my clock photo...check out the shine on my desk! I can't take credit, my cleaning lady, Meredith is 100% responsible for the shine and dust free surface. Having her back has changed my world for the better. On the day she cleans I come home and my senses are met with clean scents and visual pleasures. She dusts, vacuum's, washes floors, cleans bathrooms, window sills and goes through my entire house top to bottom. Tim says he doesn't notice...what?! I think he's just wanting to push back on us adding another monthly expense but holy cow do I love it, so she'll be staying. More than the day she cleans I love waking up on a weekend morning, sipping my coffee without hours and hours of household chores ahead for the day. My weekends are now mine again, thank you Meredith. It's not like there's nothing for me to do, but the heavy work is done leaving me to maintain the clean and forcing me to pick up before she's returns. I still have dishes, laundry and all the fun chores that keep a house rolling along but my time is mine again to go out and enjoy or climb into bed for an early bedtime, worry free. As we all know, Early to bed, early to rise makes one healthy, wealthy and wise.