Day 391 Unicorn of a Day


Some days are so close to perfect it makes you thank the universe out loud. Having my son home in RI  for a visit, for the first time in almost a year is exactly what this mom needed. He and I enjoyed a long walk, running errands together then hung out in the backyard enjoying the sunshine while we waited for the rest of our crew. There's not much in life that makes me happier than seeing my kids joke, laugh and chat with each other, telling stories and catching up on all things not worthy of phone chatter. All four of my grandsons and my boys had an intense Battle Royale with nerf bow and arrows, of which I'm sure could be heard throughout the neighborhood as they shot each other relentlessly regardless of age. They played a game of throwing baseballs across the yard with the target of a tiny kiddie pool and when one would land, splashing in the water, everyone would erupt in screams of victory. These are the moments that will live in my mind forever and if you happen to see me smiling for no apparent reason, chances are I'm thinking of their smiles and screams. Watching my grown sons play like ten year olds is pure joy. We cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill, then had cake and sang happy birthday to my Grandson Link, who just turned 11. It was all put together at a moments notice, since I only found out a few days ago that my son would be here and as always it would be a whirlwind visit with a quick turn around. It stinks when our kids grow up and move away, in fact if I could have bottled them up as kids I would have. I'll just have to bottle up fun memories, of their laughter, smiles and all their stories. The older they get it becomes more rare to have them all together with everyones schedules aligning so our afternoon together was like a unicorn of a day. Crazy that I didn't take one photo of all the kids, craziness or smiles, but don't worry, the pictures are etched in my mind. 


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