Day 394 Cattails
I could travel the world and be challenged to find a place as beautiful as Rhode Island. Maybe its because I not only notice the perfect cattails growing in a pond, but stop to soak in the beauty of the scene, appreciate and enjoy that I'm in that very spot on that very moment. What a shame it would be if the world went by without someone stopping to take in its beauty, especially in those off the beaten path. The weather has spiked with a heatwave, just in time for the kids to go back to school. I'm shocked to see my oldest grandson already in 7th grade!! Crazy how time flies. As the kids head back to school and the world shifts to fall schedules, I find myself alone in thought and I'm delighted with my company! I think we all start to build our nests in the fall in preparation for a long winter, getting our houses in order and eliminating junk. I need to take a few days to clean junk out of my house before winter comes, clean my shed and get things in order. Although I love our RI summers, I equally love the fall and winter as they roll in with their unique beauty and charm. Who needs to travel the world when lucky enough to call RI home??
Beautiful photo! ❤️db