Day 402 Sunrise or Sunset?


There are two kinds of people, you're either a sunrise or a sunset and I have no doubt you know which one you are. I am a sunrise person all the way, but am married to a sunset guy. Those of us sunset folks feel a bit superior as we take in the beauty and awakening of the day, typically alone wherever we are. If you're lucky enough to get outside to watch the sun rise, especially over the ocean, it will make you believe anything in the world is possible. A new day brings endless possibility and potential, something we all need to be reminded of now and then. One of my favorite sunrise memories is from a beach in Mexico. While on vacation, Tim and I made friends with an amazing couple and one night during dinner we all agreed to meet on the beach to watch the sunrise. We continued partying and enjoying the tropical evening without care for the time or our morning plans. The next morning I woke up early, eager to get dressed and be the first one on the beach. I tried several times to wake Tim up but each time was met with grumbles and requests for a few more minutes until I finally decided to leave him in bed and meet our friends without him. I walked down onto the dark beach and waited for everyone to join me. As the sun began to rise I was entertained by watching pelicans dive and fish for their breakfasts. The sunrise was spectacular, bright red like a fireball as it peaked out from the ocean and slowly rose up into the sky. I sat alone on that beach for a couple hours, not caring one bit that no one came to join me. A few hours later Tim came to find me, of course I was fine, alone in the dark on a beach in Mexico!! Thankfully, I was fine and he was met with stories of all the amazing sights he'd slept through. We met our friends later in the day and enjoyed several more evening sunsets together before our vacations ended and we all headed home. Us sunrise folks can enjoy a sunset anytime, but apparently sunset people can't cross over to become sunrise people...making us just a bit more special. 


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