Day 403 Calm before the storm


What a spectacular crisp September day, must be the calm before the storm. The news is all about hurricane Lee, how close will it come to the RI coast and when we can expect heavy rain and high winds to begin. Hurricanes are part of New England life, fortunately they aren't often too severe. We are lucky to know when they are coming, have time to prepare, clean up the yard and grab extra bread and milk. Hopefully if we do lose power it won’t be for too long, but I’m prepared for whatever comes our way. I’ve been prepping for my vacation as well, packing all the random things I might need or want during our trip. I really would have made a great Girl Scout. Tim will pack up his clothes and walk on the ship like Mr. Magoo, completely unaware of all the prep work that went into it and all the items I’ve carefully packed for every possible need or want. I just can't wing it like that, what if it rains, pack the rain coats & umbrellas, what if we get sick? Pack Tylenol and get a prescription for an antibiotic just in case. What if our phone needs a charge, pack portable battery packs...oh, the list goes on! Even I laugh at myself with a few crazy things, like the his and hers collapsable water bottles and the pair of binoculars so we can be the first to spot the shore. Laugh away, if any of my items are needed I'll be smiling with an I told you so look! Never mind a great Girl Scout, I could have had a future as a doomsday prepper! I have a rubbermaid bin that is designated for storms and contains everything needed for storm emergencies. My hurricane bin was well thought out with each item being purchased and put inside by me. I find comfort in knowing I can grab that one bin and have everything I might need and arms reach.  I never want to be one of the people scrambling at the last minute for batteries, flashlights, candles or matches. Life is unpredictable at best, the least I can do is take care of the things within my power. I suppose some people are planners and some people walk through life like Tim, reaping the benefit of planners like me. Although, I might enjoy the luxury of having someone else plan things for me someday.... imagine that!? With a hurricane within days and all my prep work done, I can enjoy a hike in the woods and the calm before the storm. 


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