Day 405 Bowling Skills


What an amazing night bowling with friends, I really do come up with great ideas! I can conjured up a plan to have a group of friends over for dinner then go to rock-n-bowl for a bit of after dinner bowling fun. I made a delicious lasagna and my friends arrived, each one bringing something to add to our feast. Ten of us crammed together around my dining room table, ate, drank and talked over each other telling stories and entertaining one another throughout the meal. We surprised Camila, my German houseguest, with a Birthday cake and all sang to her with our best karaoke voices. Rock-n-bowl started at 9pm and we arrived right on time, changed into our cool bowling shoes and secured our spots on two lanes. It was clear from the start that whatever we might lack in bowling skills we would make up for in enthusiasm and competitive spirit. The bowling alley was packed full of people, although we we in a world of our own on our end lanes. We all searched for the right ball to give us a strike and blamed the ball when we didn't, clearly it was the balls fault. There were a few strikes, several spares and lots of gutter balls but we all cheered for each other and continued to play, certain we'd gain skill as the night went on. Our skill never never seemed to improve but that didn't stop us from closing down the bowling alley, being the last ones to leave just before 1am, feeling like a group of teenagers. That feeling of youth would surely be gone in the morning, but it didn't stop us from enjoying the night! I'd say all in all it was a perfect night filled with great friends, delicious food and hours of silly fun. We're all bowlers now and will absolutely be back for another game or two, although we might need to give our old bodies a rest first. I'm already busy planning our next adventure, after all, think of all the fun that's just waiting to be had! 


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