Day 409 Accessories


If you don't think accessories matter, take a look at this little handbag! This tiny white, ostrich feather, Kate Spade purse makes a big statement. Ok, so it might not hold much more than a lipstick and a credit card, but the sacrifice is worth it for this stunning satin trimmed slice of heaven. When I'm not using it, trust me, I don't carry it often, I hang it on the side of my bedroom mirror so I can admire it daily. Pretty things that make us smile should be out on display. I love this photo of my beautiful bag, it certainly deserved to be the center of attention, although I though I looked fabulous in my beautiful black dress. I don't often paint my nails so It must have been a fancy occasion!! I bought that little bag ages ago and I can't imagine it ever losing its charm. As I go through my clothes figuring what to pack and not to pack for my trip, little bags like this make me wonder, do I pack all my favorite things? Should I be practical and pack the bare minimum or throw everything I want into a bag and indulge myself? My dad always use to say, "everything in moderation, including moderation" so clearly he'd support my indulgence. I'll be packing soon and making all these tough decisions, first world problems I'm sure but tough just the same. Packing all my outfits isn't tough but how on earth will I decide what accessories to bring?? After all, accessories make or break an outfit!


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