Day 410 Miracle Baby

I know I’ve mentioned a time or two how fast time flies by, but holy cow does it ever. My youngest was born 33 short years ago, fighting his way into this world against all odds. Pregnancy wasn’t easy for me, in fact I have no talent for bearing children, probably a good thing or I’d have had a dozen! Coming off the terrible loss of a pregnancy, being 5 and a half months along when it ended I wasn’t sure I’d ever have another baby. The universe had a special gift for me, pregnant again and this time I’d be going home with a baby. The pregnancy wasn’t an easy one, the best things in life usually aren’t. I struggled for the first few months but then felt cautiously confident in the health of my unborn child, until my water broke at 24 weeks!! It didn’t break like in the movies where you have a gushing flow of amniotic fluid. Mine was more of a small leak but any hole in the amniotic sac is a troublesome sign, especially that early. I was put into the hospital, on bed rest, in a private room until his birth. Doesn’t sound crazy until you realize I went into the hospital in July with his due date being November 1st!! How on earth would I manage two kids at home, me 45 minutes away in RI Hospital, never mind the challenge of me being on bedrest. It was one of the most difficult experiences of my life, I was surrounded with women with all kinds of pregnancy related troubles. I remember seeing one woman leaving the hospital with her husband doubled over, clearly in horrific pain. I watched her from my window, wondering what was happening. Later the nurses finally told me that her baby had died, he was only a few days old. I climbed into my bed and reminded myself I was the lucky one, something I never forgot. When my tiny baby was born on the last day of summer, September 22nd, he was the smallest baby I had ever seen, he was a bit early but healthy! He was immediately rushed off to ICU and put into an oxygen tent as they proceeded to stick him with a million needles and IV’s. He was five days old when I finally had a chance to hold him and I haven’t let go since. My two other children had been amazingly understanding during my absence and referred to him as a true miracle baby. They may have spoiled him more than I ever did and would still do anything for him. He is smart, handsome, happy and today is 33 years old!! He’s also now my tallest child, something non of us ever saw coming. Children can bring out the best in people, I know mine are my greatest gifts to the world. If I never do another thing I’ve done my part and raised amazing humans. I’m beyond proud of all of my children but holy cow did that fly by. Wasn’t it just a minute ago I was reading them all a bedtime story? 


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