Day 411 So long summer


Where else would I spend the last day of summer but at the beach. As I sat on the deck eating, drinking, chatting with friends and feeling the crisp, cool autumn air I said goodbye to summer 2023 and welcomed fall with open arms and anticipation. Summer has always been my favorite season, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate everything that follows, cool nights, warm sweaters, autumn gatherings. Fall also has us busy prepping for winter, less fun but necessary.  First things first it's time to start packing for vacation. I earmarked this weekend to get all the packing done, Tim usually wants to pack everything in the laundry pile so there's a great deal of washing to do first. I'll lay out suitcases, his and hers and get to work! Is there anyone that enjoys this task? The only thing worse than packing might be the unpacking once back from vacation, that can take months! It looks like the temps will be in the low 70's for the most of our travel, nice weather for adventures. I'm sure the nights will be cool, especially since we'll be on a ship, but oh, how amazing it will be to stand outside on our balcony and feel the ocean air. I'm not sure how easy it will be to write while on vacation, I'll do my best. I have no doubt the Mediterranean Sea will be beautiful, but it sure does have tough competition with RI. All the packing and prepping for vacation includes convincing my friends and family to take care of my cat and chickens daily. I figure I'll get a few helpers so no one person is overwhelmed with the task. My chickens won't care who tends to them, as long as they have food and water but the cat will be mad without my attention. Thankfully,  I have great kids and neighbors who will step in and help! My neighbor has even offered to sleep at my house so my cat has a friend. With so much to do this week I'll need a vacation from prepping for vacation. Having a fabulous vacation planned for the start of fall makes saying goodbye to summer a bit easier, might need to plan a trip every year.  It could be my annual say goodbye to summer trip, or hello autumn? Saying goodbye to summer 2023 is easier knowing I squeezed every single bit of fun out of it. Big shoes to fill summer of 2024! 


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