Day 414 A photo or Two


I warned you there would be more old pictures coming. Anyone of my age appreciates the rarity of candid shots, unlike the daily barrage of photos being taken these days. We have school pictures, most of which are so bad we wish we didn’t. Prom photos and the occasional candid photo. I think the first pictures I have of myself are the professional proofs taken when I was 1 year old. I think these five photos came with me at my adoption, kidding, but being the black sheep of my family it makes you wonder. I’m sure my mother will read this and start digging to find more baby pictures of me, good luck! In all fairness, my parents were busy tending to my brothers medical needs when I was born. He had lots of troubles with his heart and needed open heart surgery when he was only four years old. Doesn’t sound as crazy now but in 1966 he was the first pediatric open heart surgery in RI. Not something you want to pioneer!  He came through his surgery and is still going strong, he’s even a mountain climber. With all that going on it’s no wonder taking pictures wasn’t on my parents mind. Todays photos are too easy, we take more in one day then we took in a year! This old gymnastics picture makes me laugh, I really wasn’t as mean as I look, although my friends and family all say they recognize that look. I’ve been going through my high school yearbook, prepping for my reunion, brushing up on all the names. It will be so fun to match the grown up faces with the teenage yearbook pictures. I can imagine we’ll take more pictures at our reunion then we took in the entire 4 years of High School. Don’t you miss picking up your photos after they were developed and looking through all the bad ones? Does anyone even print photos anymore, other than me of course. Not sure how all these digital photos will hold up after 40  or 50 years? Will they all disappear into cyber space? Old pictures might become more scarce in the future, even with the abundance we sift through in the moment. I will be printing my vacation pictures and making a photo album, talk about old school


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