Day 419 Images
I won't torture you with millions of wedding photos but would be remiss if I didn't share one or two! The photographer shared a few sneak peek pictures and I couldn't be happier with her eye for detail. I hadn't noticed the Mrs. sneakers not even the matching wedding band tattoos caught my eye. I've always said I'd make the worse witness to any crime, details are lost on me. I notice a persons smile, expression, voice, laugh, the important things. I wouldn't notice a Rolex over a Timex or a fancy item of jewelry, I'm too busy taking in facial expressions and the essence of a person. I can't wait to see all the photos from the wedding day, thrilled my son and daughter in law with have these sweet memories in print. When I wasn't scrolling through wedding day photos I was busy unpacking decorations and attempting to put my house back in order, no easy task. Tim continued to procrastinate with his packing. I wouldn't mind except we are trying to consolidate and pack together in one large suitcase. We both have our carryons, so one big bag should be enough, famous last words. My carryon has been ready to go for a week, his owl bag remains unfilled, no, I shouldn't be surprised. It's important we leave enough room to bring home whatever treasures we might find during our travels, so consolidating might be tough. Prepping the house to be away with cat and chicken care, mail and household watch sure does take a great deal of preparation. Wouldn't it be nice to be Tim and just pack my bag, knowing someone else is taking care of every detail? I guess that's our Yin and Yan thing, I could never go away without tending to each household demand and he doesn't give it a second thought. He's focused on getting to the airport in time to watch the start of a football game, not my idea of kicking off our vacation but no doubt what will happen. He'll try to pretend it's somehow about me, spin it in a way it might sound like it's for me. Wouldn't I like to sit in a bar and have dinner and relax, right under a big screen tv that just happens to be playing the game?? He's nice like that and sure is crafty with his suggestions to entertain me, that somehow find us in front of football. Photo's are important to document significant moments in our lives, I foresee our vacation album might begin with a photo of Tim, sitting in front of a tv at an airport bar. I'll be sure to capture that special moment, although, the image of him walking through the airport with his little owl carryon, wheeling behind him is one I'm looking forward to. Photo's are important, but don't surpass the images imprinted on our minds, both real and imaginary. As for the wedding photos, I'm pleased to share amazing pictures, but only in my mind will I carry the image of my son and his bride, beaming with love, overwhelmed with happiness!
Love that photo…safe travels! Go Pats LOL ❤️db