Day 437 Projects
The tremendous task of sorting through vacation photos has begun. My goal is to have a photo book made from our travels but choosing what pictures will make the cut has proven more difficult than I anticipated. Each location was filled with unique images, deserving of printing but unless I edit carefully I'll end up with a book so large no-one will take the time to look through it. I suppose it's a good problem to have, too many amazing memories to trim down! The feature photo today is from Sorrento, incredibly beautiful town but not a fun place to drive to. I'd suggest traveling to this beautiful locataion via boat to avoid the frightening road along the mountainside. I'm still amazed that the Italians think these roads are suitable for driving both directions and curious how many accidents happen each year? As for photos, I'm not sure anyone really wants to see someone else's vacation pictures, kind of the, you needed to be there kind of thing, but I'll make my book anyway. I'll also keep that in mind as I scrutinize my photos to select only a handful from each location. It's been a good project for me as I've still been feeling so crappy. Thankfully, I'm slowly coming back to life and hoping to stay up past 6pm within a day or two. My other project this week is trying to think of a Halloween costume! Marie Antoinette is a strong contender, she is known for never wearing the same dress twice and of course for her famous, "let them eat cake" line that isn't historically true but somehow stuck. The other costume idea is Anne Boleyn, another strong figure that was clearly misunderstood. Both of my picks were beheaded, but fabulous in their day. If Tim would agree to be Henry VIII I'd go with Anne Boleyn so I'm guessing it will be Marie Antoinette for me. Tim likes to do his own thing and I suppose both of my historic figures would have been better off without a man anyway. Vacation pictures and Halloween costumes as my weeks projects along with early bedtimes, life could be worse.
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