Day 440 Fall Sleep


Sleeping has become my new pastime, each day I seem to out sleep the last. I slept until after 3pm, getting out of bed in time to shower and dress for dinner. If this is jet lag, holy cow! People keep asking if I've tested for COVID, wouldn't it be nice if the answer was that simple. No, I don't have covid but it makes me wonder what ever happened to regular sicknesses, seems like either you have covid or you should be fine. I might sleep the entire fall away at this rate and roll right into winter. At least I made it out to dinner with friends, barely. As fun as my friends are, I found myself drinking down glasses of water and trying my best not to yawn at the table. After dinner it was clear Tim and I would be heading home, not the usual after dinner fun group we typically would have been. My friends will all have to bear with me during my exhaustion period. I might even title this period as the Great Fall sleep of 2023. All the autumn chores are waiting for me, clothes to swap out, shed to clean, wood stove pellets to stack, I hardly have time for all this rest! Thank goodness for Amazon, lazy people like me can still put together Halloween costumes. My Marie Antoinette dress arrived along with my wig and it looks like it will work out well, not that many people will appreciate who I am, but I can't let that sway me. Tim decided he wants to partner up with me, but Marie really is a stand alone kind of gal. I told him he could be one of her French lovers, a secondary role but clearly the last queen of France deserves the spotlight. He agreed to it and will look dashing all fancied up in a royal robe and wig, a great piece of arm candy for my Marie. Hopefully by the time Halloween parties come around I'll be awake enough to enjoy them. I should have considered sleeping beauty for this years costume, then I could take a nap whenever needed and still remain in character. I'm sure Marie didn't fall asleep at parties, so I'd better rest up and be ready to party like French royalty. I certainly need to maximize my productivity during my awake hours, there's no time for lollygagging with fall chores waiting for me. I'll chip away slowly at my growing list of to do's and plan on a very early bedtime, trying to accommodate my new 16 hour nightly minimum of sleep. Not sure how long this exhaustion will last, fingers crossed not much longer. 


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