Day 444 Paired up
Well, well, well look what came up on my time hop! I give Tim such a hard time but I guess he does like pairing up on Halloween after all. He has enthusiasm for dressing up more than anyone I've ever met and typically adds a bit of his own flair to any theme, hence the beetles glasses for his vampire look. If Halloween parties could be spread out a bit more and not all happening on the same night, we'd be sure to attend every one of them. Packages have been arriving daily, containing all the little items Tim needs to dazzle me with his outfit this year and I can't wait to see him in all his splendor. I'm suppose to be the main attraction this year but he seems to be trying to outshine me!! I better add a few outrageous accessories to hold my ground and maintain the spotlight. Far from the limelight my early bedtimes continue as I struggle to get back to this timezone and real life. I feel like I'm coming out of a fog and slowly starting to feel normal again, very slowly. Tim headed out to play cards for the night and I happily was in bed by 6pm. I'm not sure how he's come away from all the travel and sickness unscathed but he seems to be fine. Hopefully I'll be back to myself by the weekend and ready for all the costume fun. I need to do a bit of research on Marie Antoinettes makeup, then twist my daughters arm to help me make it all happen. My daughter is a talented makeup artist so having her help will be key to making Marie come to life. Thank goodness for talented children! I'm sure Tim will jump in and have her spruce him up a bit, a little eyeliner never hurts. Can you tell I'm ready for the weekend? I'm also ready for more fun photo memories, visions of Halloweens past and curious to see how often Tim and I actually paired up!?
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