Day 446 AI?


TGIF and cheers to finally feeling better! This makes two nights in a row I've been awake past 7pm, a milestone I've been waiting for. My upside down life is finally flipping back to normal, just in time for the weekend. Tim and I went to our beach club for dinner and arrived just in time to catch another beautiful sunset. Dinner was outstanding, everyone brought a side dish, appetizer or dessert to go along with the main course of pasta. I didn't have a chance to make anything so stopped at the store and bought cookies to contribute. No apologies for my store bought treats, sometimes I make treats, sometimes I make them happen, either way it's effort. Catching up with our friends makes for a fun night, great stories and always lots of laughs. Everyone at the club is getting excited to see each other all dressed up for the Halloween costume party. I love to see what people put together and enjoy folks letting their silly side show. It will be another pot luck night so I'll be heading to the store for a beautiful cake that will double as a prop for my costume. I may need to buy a little one to carry, extra cake isn't a bad idea! I haven't had a chance to try my costume on, I've been adding pieces but need to pull it all together and make Marie come to life. I may also have to drink a bit of espresso to ensure I'm awake for the party, third night out in a row might be tough. The weather has been unusually warm for this time of year, perfect for beach club nights and worth staying awake for! I'm almost feeling strong enough to write my letter to Air France and let them know how disappointed I am in their service, need strength for that one. I do hate to complain but arriving in Boston a solid 24 hours after schedule is worth a word or two. A friend told me I should have an AI write the letter for me, either they don't know I write every day or they aren't impressed with my writing? Taking this as a personal challenge, I'll write the letter myself without any artificial intelligence and claim victory if Air France comes through with some type of compensation. Not sure I'm ready to let robots speak for me just yet. If a robot wants to help me out, I'd take a house robot like Rosie in the Jetsons, she could whip up a dish for me to bring to pot lucks and keep my house clean. Who's creating these AI's anyway? Well, with no AI to help, I'll get my household chores done before transforming into a royal queen and partying Versailles style, staying up way past my bedtime. 


  1. Great blog!! From a great night with friends to robots seamlessly! LOL ❤️db


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