Day 453 Air Canada for the Win


I've rambled on and on about writing to Air France to complain about the crazy mishaps on my travels home, but neglected to mention I took a few minutes to fill out a complaint for Air Canada due to an additional delay. I almost hated to complain, since it was Air France that really messed up the flights, however, the final flight from Montreal to Boston on Air Canada was also delayed for hours. I went onto their website after submitting my complaint to Air France, along with my letter. Air Canada didn't get any drawn out complaint, just a simple flight number and note that we had been delayed for over three hours. Well to my delight I received an email yesterday from the airline, apologizing for the delay and letting me know they will be mailing me a check for $289! You may not think that's a lot, but with no expectation and only five minutes to file the complaint, not bad. A company is only as good as their customer service and my hats off to Air Canada for their quick response, acknowledgment of delay and money paid to help make things right. I quickly called my travel agent to share the good news with her. For the record, she booked our trip and did an amazing job, the cruise line books the flights so that part of the journey was out of her hands. She was surprised we didn't just get a flight voucher, as was I. It certainly will be interesting to see what, if anything, Air France does to save face in their flight debacle? As pleased as I was with no expectations with Air Canada, my expectations are high with Air France, they really should step up. They say, expectations are the thief of joy, hoping to prove this sentiment wrong just this once. With both airlines receiving my complaints on the same day, there's a clear winner with customer service response speed. I'm typically not one to take the time, go online and jump through the hoops to complain, once in a while it needs to be done. Tim of course gets to ride my complaining coattails. The refund was for the two of us and no doubt the check will have his name on it, but that's a complaint for another day! 


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