Day 454 Crazy Lady

So much to get done, but first, breakfast oceanside. My sister called to ask if I wanted to join her and my mother for breakfast, twist my arm. I had to get a few things done first so set to my chores top speed. With a pending delivery for a few tons of wood pellets, I really wanted to blow the leaves off the driveway before setting them down. It was still dark, but that didn't stop me from turning on the outside light, grabbing my leaf blower and getting to work. I probably should have thrown clothes on instead of working in my pj's and robe, but who's got time for all that? No doubt I looked like a crazy person outside in the dark blowing leaves and even crazier as I moved to the front of the house and blew them off the sidewalk of my busy street. As cars drove by I knew I should care how crazy I looked, but I didn't, needed to get it all done! I blew a great big pile of leaves into my chicken coop providing them with days of entertainment. I seemed to pull myself together for breakfast, no one would even know I was the same crazy lady they saw working in her bathrobe on the side of the road early in the early mornings darkness. After breakfast I had to hustle home to coat my face with numbing ointment before heading off to my microneedling appointment. Even the numbing cream and laughing gas couldn't mask the discomfort of the procedure. It felt similar to when you have a finger prick to draw a bit of blood, less than pleasant. That sharp hit with needles happened over and over until each inch of my face and neck had been treated, ouch. the procedure wasn't unbearable, but certainly not comfortable either. My face was slightly red for the afternoon, numb for a while but didn't feel bad at all. I have two more of these visits scheduled, so it couldn't have been all that bad. It's amazing what we do in the name of beauty and of course, I'm as vein as the next, maybe more. I suppose with all the time and attention I spend trying to look good I should rethink my morning landscaping wardrobe?! I may look crazy doing my yard work, but I'll look like a younger crazy lady soon once all this facial upkeep takes hold, at least that's the plan. 


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